Source code for bismuthclient.lwbench

Wallet server benchmarking functions - ported from gui wallet, converted to use the native api class.

import collections
import logging
import socket
import time

from bismuthclient import rpcconnections


[docs]def convert_ip_port(ip, some_port): """ Helper: Get ip and port, but extract port from ip if ip was as ip:port :param ip: :param some_port: default port :return: (ip, port) """ if ':' in ip: ip, some_port = ip.split(':') return ip, some_port
[docs]def connectible(ipport): """ Helper: return True if the ip:port can be connected to, without sending any command. """ try: s = socket.socket() s.settimeout(3) ip, local_port = convert_ip_port(ipport, DEFAULT_PORT) s.connect((ip, int(local_port))) return True except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return False
[docs]def time_measure(light_ip_list, app_log=None): """ Measure answer time for the servers in light_ip list :param light_ip_list: a list of "ip:port" wallet servers :param app_log: an optional logger :return: A sorted light_ip list """ if not app_log: app_log = logging port = DEFAULT_PORT result_collection = {ip: [0, 0] for ip in light_ip_list} rpcconnections.LTIMEOUT = 3 for address in result_collection: try: ip, local_port = convert_ip_port(address, port)"Attempting to benchmark {}:{}".format(ip, local_port)) client = rpcconnections.Connection("{}:{}".format(ip, local_port)) if local_port == DEFAULT_PORT: #doesn't work if a node uses non standard port, bench in else-path - will fail #start benchmark timer_start = time.time() result = client.command("statusget") timer_result = (time.time() - timer_start) * 5 #penalty to prio Wallet-Servers before nodes. local node should be so fast, to be still fastest, else it is better that a wallet-server is chosen! result_collection[address] = timer_result, result[8][7] app_log.warning("Result for {}:{}, a normal node, penalty-factor *5 (real result time/5): {}".format(ip, local_port, timer_result)) #finish benchmark else: #start benchmark timer_start = time.time() result = client.command("statusget") result_ws = client.command("wstatusget") timer_result = time.time() - timer_start #finish benchmark and load balance if too many clients ws_clients = result_ws.get('clients') if ws_clients > 300: timer_result = timer_result + ws_clients/1000 app_log.warning("Result for {}:{}, modified due to high client load: {}".format(ip, local_port, timer_result)) elif ws_clients > 150: timer_result = timer_result + ws_clients/10000 app_log.warning("Result for {}:{}, modified due to client load: {}".format(ip, local_port, timer_result)) else: app_log.warning("Result for {}:{}, low load - unmodified: {}".format(ip, local_port, timer_result)) result_collection[address] = timer_result, result[8][7] except Exception as e: app_log.warning("Cannot benchmark {}:{}".format(ip, local_port)) # sort IPs for measured Time bench_result = collections.OrderedDict(sorted((value[0], key) for (key, value) in result_collection.items())) light_ip = list(bench_result.values()) max_height_temp = list(result_collection.values()) max_height = max(list(zip(*max_height_temp))[1]) for key, value in result_collection.items(): if int(value[1]) < (max_height - 5): try: light_ip.remove(key) light_ip.append(key) except Exception as e: pass return light_ip